- pendulum instrument
- маятниковый гравиметрический прибор
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
Pendulum — This article is about pendulums. For other uses, see Pendulum (disambiguation). Simple gravity pendulum model assumes no friction or air resistance … Wikipedia
pendulum — Hydrometer Hy*drom e*ter, n. [Hydro , 1 + meter: cf. F. hydrom[ e]tre.] 1. (Physics) An instrument for determining the specific gravities of liquids, and thence the strength spirituous liquors, saline solutions, etc. [1913 Webster] Note: It is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Measuring instrument — Captain Nemo and Professor Aronnax contemplating measuring instruments in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea … Wikipedia
Persoz pendulum — A Persoz pendulum is a device used for measuring hardness of materials. The instrument consists of a pendulum which is free to swing on two balls resting on a coated test panel. The pendulum hardness test is based on the principle that the… … Wikipedia
wind instrument — /wind/ a musical instrument sounded by the breath or other air current, as the trumpet, trombone, clarinet, or flute. [1575 85] * * * ▪ music Introduction any musical instrument that uses air as the primary vibrating medium for the… … Universalium
ballistic pendulum — Physics. a device consisting of a large mass hung from a horizontal bar by two rods, used to measure the velocity of an object, as a bullet, by retaining the object upon impact, its velocity being a function of the displacement of the mass. [1770 … Universalium
Foucault's pendulum — /fŭkˈōz penˈdū ləm/ (astronomy) noun An instrument, consisting of a heavy metal ball suspended by a very long fine wire, devised by JBL Foucault in 1851 to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth Foucault s pendulum see separate entry. • • • Main… … Useful english dictionary
Ballistic pendulum — Ballistic Bal*lis tic, a. 1. Of or pertaining to the ballista, or to the art of hurling stones or missile weapons by means of an engine. [1913 Webster] 2. Pertaining to ballistics[2], or to a projectile in a gravitational field. [1913 Webster… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chronomètre of Loulié — The chronomètre is a precursor of the metronome. It was invented circa 1694 by Étienne Loulié to record the preferred tempo of pieces of music. Loulié s chronomètre as shown in his Éléments (1696) Contents … Wikipedia
seismograph — seismographic /suyz meuh graf ik, suys /, seismographical, adj. /suyz meuh graf , grahf , suys /, n. any of various instruments for measuring and recording the vibrations of earthquakes. [1855 60; SEISMO + GRAPH] * * * Introduction… … Universalium
gravitation — gravitational, adj. gravitationally, adv. /grav i tay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the force of attraction between any two masses. Cf. law of gravitation. b. an act or process caused by this force. 2. a sinking or falling … Universalium